Monday, July 19, 2010

Ad Catchers

Do we believe ads or commercials, which appears on every corner of the street or every TV channel? Nowadays we never have worries about lack of commercials and ads for brand new products or services. But are we caught all the ideas or claims made by ads? Some do but some don’t. If they do, how they catch or hook us? Let’s try to read an advertising, which hooks my attention more than others.

This ad shows a sexy woman pilot needing espresso to do her work correctly. On further inspection, this image can be characterized as a man's fantasy - the sexy pilot. Therefore, the target audience can be men or all coffee lovers.

The other elements are, with her bra showing, her long blond hair, and her eyes that she uses her sex appeal to sell espresso - no wonder boys suddenly want to get some espresso.
The pilot is in focus in the middle of the picture and everything is blurred behind her; this makes the eye center on her. The color in the shot is mostly neutral with her white and black pilot costume. The only color that pops in the image is her bright red nails which could bring the eye to the espresso but instead brings the eye to the shiny spoon in her mouth, her long and unusually shiny blond hair, and her bright blue eyes.

Slogan or claims in this ad is “Express yourself by being at first class and drinking expresso” and it means if you drink the espresso you will be at the first class.

At the end according to the ad the company LaVaZza promises the LUXURY FIRST CLASS LIFE to their audience who loves espresso. Enjoy the espresso and express yourself…

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